चाईनिज फ्राईड राईस (Chinese Fried Rice (Delicious Diabetic Recipe) by Tarla Dalal

Chinese Fried Rice, popular recipe made healthy by using loads of veggies and brown rice!
Recipe Link : http://www.tarladalal.com/Chinese-Fried-Rice-%28-Delicious-Diabetic-Recipe%29-3467r

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Chinese Fried Rice (Delicious Diabetic Recipe)

Rice is the cereal that diabetics are advised to avoid. Here's a simple and guilt free way to include rice in your diet.... All you have to do is add plenty of vegetables to the rice dish and use fibre rich brown rice and minimal oil. Adding vegetables not only enhances its vitamin value but also contributes plenty of fibre that prevents a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after a meal.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes.
Cooking Time: 6 minutes.
Serves 4.

2 cups cooked brown rice
1½ tsp oil
1½ tsp finely chopped green chillies
¼ cup thinly sliced capsicum
¼ cup finely chopped spring onion whites
¾ cup parboiled French beans, cut diagonally
¾ cup thinly sliced parboiled carrots
½ cup bean sprouts
1 tbsp finely chopped celery (ajmoda)
½ tsp soy sauce
2 tbsp finely chopped spring onion greens
Salt to taste

1. Heat the oil in a broad non-stick pan, add the green chillies, capsicum and spring onion whites and sauté on a high flame for 1 to 2 minutes.
2. Add the French beans, carrot, bean sprouts and celery, mix well and sauté on a high flame for 1 to 2 minutes.
3. Add the cooked brown rice, soy sauce, spring onion greens and salt, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 1 to 2 minute.
Serve hot.

Nutrient values per serving
Energy: 149 calories.
Protein: 4.3 gm
Carbohydrates: 27.1 gm
Fat: 2.7 gm
Fibre: 3.9 gm
Iron: 1.3 mg
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