Chocolate Spread Recipe By SooperChef

Chocolate spread a sweet treat for your kids for their hunger pangs. A recipe easier than you think and so tasty that your kids will ask for more. healthy Chocolate Spread that tastes delicious and it's Nut Free.

2 cup Cocoa powder
4 cups Milk
2 cups Icing sugar
2 tbsp Butter
Salt a pinch
1/2 tsp Vanilla essence
1 tbsp All-purpose flour
1 cup Cream

In a bowl add flour, cocoa powder, icing sugar, salt and whisk well. Keep aside.
Take a pan, melt butter add milk and mix. When it’s lukewarm then add cream and mix until it comes to boil.
Then add flour mixture, stir continuously on low heat to avoid lumps.
Whisk for 6 to 8 minutes or until you reach your desired consistency.
Let it cool down your chocolate spread is ready.
Transfer in an airtight jar and store in refrigerator for up to one week.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Serving: 4-5
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