Cilantro Jalapeno Hummus Recipe

Hey guys, today I'm going to share my wife's awesome cilantro jalapeo hummus recipe made in my grown-up new Blendtec blender! Yes, I ditched the old Osterizer and got with modern times!

And if you want to get this awesome blender for yourself, here's where I got it:

And here's the recipe!

2 15 oz. cans garbanzo beans, drained
2 tablespoons tahini (or toasted sesame oil)
3-4 lemons, juice only
2 jalapeos, seeded
1-2 teaspoons garlic (or garlic shallot puree)
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup water or reserved juice from bean can
1 cup or handful of cilantro leaves

Add olive oil and lemon juice to blender, followed by the rest of the ingredients. Blend well in Blendtec on dip setting, or in food processor. Thin out with the water or reserved juice as needed.
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