Creamy Chicken Bread Pockets - A Taste of Heaven in Every Bite!

Elevate your cooking game with these irresistible Creamy Chicken Bread Pockets. These Easy and Delicious Creamy Chicken Bread Pockets are for Everyone. Try them out and share your feedback in comments.

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Creamy chicken bread pockets

Ingredients for Bread Pockets:
Bread slices as required
Bread crumbs as required
Beaten eggs as required
Oil (for frying) as required

Ingredients for Chicken Preparation:
Chicken boneless (cubes) 500 g
NESTL MILKPAK Yogurt 1 cup
Chili sauce 2 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
Red chili powder 1 tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
Garlic powder 1 tsp
Paprika powder 1 tsp
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream 1 pack
Oil (for frying) 2 tbsp

Ingredients for Spicy Mayo Sauce:
Mayonnaise 1 cup
Ketchup 1/2 cup
Sriracha sauce 1/4 cup
NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream 1/2 cup
Black pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp

Ingredients for Vinaigrette Veggies:
Onion (sliced) 1 cup
Cucumber (julienne) 1 cup
Tomatoes (julienne) 1 cup
Vinegar 1 cup

Ingredients for Assembling:
Bread pockets as required
Lettuce leaves as required
Spicy mayo sauce as required
Prepared chicken as required
Vinaigrette veggies as required

Directions for Bread Pockets Preparation:
1. Take the bread slices and cut them in round shape.
2. Place 2 bread slices on top of each other and flatten them well with a rolling pin.
3. Now dip them in beaten eggs and then coat in bread crumbs.
4. Deep fry them over medium flame until puffed and golden brown. Your Bread Pockets are ready. Set aside.
Directions for Chicken Preparation:
5. In a bowl add chicken, NESTL MILKPAK Yogurt, chili sauce, red chili flakes, red chili powder, salt, garlic powder, paprika powder, NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream and black pepper powder. Mix it well.
6. In a pan heat oil and add marinated chicken. Cook until fully done.
7. Now add NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream and cook for 1-2 mins. Your chicken is ready. Set aside.
Directions for Spicy Mayo Sauce Preparation:
8. In a bowl add mayo, ketchup, sriracha sauce, NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream, salt, black pepper powder and mix it well. Your spicy mayo sauce is ready. Set aside.
Directions for Vinaigrette Veggies Preparation:
9. In a bowl add onion, cucumber, tomatoes and vinegar. Soak them for 10-15 mins. Strain and set aside.
Directions for Assembling:
10. Take the prepared bread pockets and cut them in half.
11. Take half bread pocket and add lettuce leaves, spicy mayo sauce, prepared chicken and vinaigrette veggies in it. Do the same with all bread pockets and serve.
12. Your Creamy Chicken Bread Pockets are ready.
Prep time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 25 mins
Serving : 4-5
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