5 मिनट में टेस्टी सोयाबीन के कुरकुरे पकौड़े बनाने का आसान तरीका | Crispy Soya Chunks|Tea Time Recipe| | Ankita's Kitchen


Hello friends, today I’ve shared a very different recipe with you. Today I’ve prepared pakauda with soya chunks. It has come out really crunchy and tasty and you really don’t need to give extra effort in it. Its really easy to make it. So try it and don’t forget to give your valuable feedback. Thanks.

Preparation time:5 minutes
Cook time:5 minutes
Soya chunks : 25gm
Gran flour:2 tbsp
Onion :2(medium)
Green chilli :2-3(as per taste)
Coriander leaves
Carom seeds(ajwayan):1/4th tsp
Cumin seeds(jeera):1/4th tsp
Turmeric powder:1/4th tsp
Garam masala:1/4th tsp
Coriander powder:1 tsp
Red chilli powder:1/2 tsp
Salt: as per taste
Oil: to fry

Pakauda, soya chunks pakauda, quick recipes, tea time recipe, evening snacks recipe, fried recipe, Indian food, Ankita’s kitchen, Ankita’s kitchen hindi

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