Easter Egg Salad - 10 second recipes | Christian Has Ideas

Calling these deviled Easter eggs felt wrong, so we went with Easter Egg Salad. But, yeah, they're deviled Easter eggs. We served them at some of our Easter gatherings this year and they went over pretty well.

Here's how we made them.

First, you hard-boil some eggs. You can use a dozen or a Cool Hand Luke, but no matter the quantity you get a good hard boil by putting the eggs in room temperature water and letting them come to a boil. Continue boiling for two minutes, then cut the heat and let them sit, covered for 15 more minutes.

There's probably a more precise science to it, but this is what I do to get the center nice and yellow (not green and chalky).

Slice the eggs and scoop out the yoke. Add mayonnaise, mustard, Worchester sauce, salt and pepper (in whatever quantity you think make it taste good).

Scoop the filling back into the egg halves.

Then you decorate the eggs with whatever colorful vegetables or toppings you can find. Anything other than paprika pretty much makes them special. I used diced bell pepper, black sesame seeds, and some chili powder on mine this year.

I'm interested in other ideas you guys have for making them colorful and Easter-y (short of actually dying the egg whites).

Leave a comment if you like deviled eggs. Or Easter. Or learning how to cook in 10 seconds.
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