Edible Coastal Plants

Many people are fortunate to be living along coastlines. Not only can they go inland to forage, but they have many edible coastal plants available to them also. This video is intended to for visual identification purposes only. Some of these coastal plants are only edible for certain parts - it is up to you to research what parts are edible and how they can be used!

Thank you so much to Rachel Lambert, Alvaro Docio and to Peter Bisson - their generosity in allowing me to use some of their images have made this possible. Please support them by following their pages at Facebook and be sure to check out Rachel and Alvaro's website.

Rachel Lambert:

Alvaro Docio:

Peter Bisson:

Links to the edible plants (aquatics and land-based) that are on my website are below:

- Sea Plantain (identification, distinguishing features, flowers, leaves, height, habitat & edible parts): https://www.ediblewildfood.com/sea-plantain.aspx

- Sea Lungwort (identification, etc.): https://www.ediblewildfood.com/sea-lungwort.aspx

- Sea Sandwort (identification, etc.): https://www.ediblewildfood.com/sea-sandwort.aspx

- Arctic Raspberry (identification, etc.): https://www.ediblewildfood.com/arctic-raspberry.aspx

- Roseroot (identification, etc.): https://www.ediblewildfood.com/roseroot.aspx

#coastalplants #ediblecoastalplants #edibleaquaticplants
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