Eggless Choco Chips Cookies Recipe | Easy Choco Chips Cookies Recipe Without Egg | Tasted Recipes

Easy Choco Chips Cookies Recipe Without Egg

Ingredients for Eggless Choco Chips Cookies Recipe are:

Butter [मक्खन] - 120 gm
Sugar Powder [चीनी पाउडर] - 120 gms
Vanilla Essence [वैनिला एसेंस] - 1/4 tsp
All-Purpose Flour [मैदा] - 120 gms
Cocoa Powder - 40 gms
Baking Powder [बेकिंग पाउडर] - 1/2 tsp
Chocolate Chips - 2 tbsp

Steps for Eggless Choco Chips Cookies Recipe:

- Preheat the oven to 150º C for 10 minutes.
- Take a bowl and add butter to it. After that add sugar powder and vanilla essence. Mix everything properly.
- Then add all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and chocolate chips. Mix it properly again to a slightly stiff mixture.
- Take a portion of a mixture and roll it into a cookie shape. Place the chocolate chip on the cookie.
- Place it in the preheated oven and bake it for twelve minutes at 150º C.
- Chocolate Chip Cookies are ready to eat.

Eggless Choco Chips Cookies Recipe by #TastedRecipes
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