Eggless Plum Cake | Christmas Plum Cake Recipe |Instant plum cake recipe |Borosil X Chef Harpal | chefharpalsingh

Plum cake is a cake made with chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices, and soaked in spirits/ orange juice, basically enjoyed on Christmas days.

Plum cake
Ingredients quantity
Dates 2tbsp
Cranberry 2tbsp + for garnish
Candied orange peels 2tbsp + for garnish
Raisins 2tbsp
Tutti frutti 2tbsp + for garnish
Almonds chopped 2tbsp + for garnish
Cashew nuts 2tbsp
Orange juice 1 ½ cup
Powdered sugar 200gms
Oil 100ml + for greasing
Curd 80gms
Refined flour 200gms + for dusting
Baking powder ½ tsp
Baking soda ½ tsp
Cocoa powder 50gms
Vanilla essence 1tsp
Cinnamon powder 1tsp
Candied dry fruits for garnish
Nutmeg powder ½ tsp

1. Take a borosil mixing bowl and add dates, candied orange peels, nutmeg powder.
2. Now add Raisins, almonds, cashew nuts, and orange juice, cinnamon powder and let all soak in the juice to enhance the flavor.
3. Now take another borosil mix bowl and add powdered sugar and oil and whisk it properly.
4. Now in the same bowl sieve refined flour, baking powder, baking soda and cocoa powder and curd, mix all together properly.
5. Now add vanilla essence and mix it properly.
6. Now add the soaked dry fruits in it and add orange juice to adjust the consistency of the batter.
7. Now take a borosil cake dish and grease it with oil and line the butter paper.
8. Dust the corner of the bake dish with the help of refined flour. Remove access.
9. Adjust the consistency of the batter and transfer it to the baking dish.
10. Now the set the temperature of the borosil otg on 180*c for 45 mins. Preheat the otg for 10 –mins.
11. Now add the candied orange peels, almonds, tutti frutti, and cranberry on top and put the cake for baking in the borosil otg.
12. To check if the cake is ready or not insert a stick in the center and if it comes out clear means its ready.
13. Our plum cake is ready.
14. Let it cool down and then enjoy it with tea.

*Bake the cake for 45 mins or until the tooth pick comes out clear.

List of Borosil products used:-

Mixing Bowls -

Glass Bottles -
Hand Blender -

Bake Ware -


MyBorosil -

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