Eggless Vanilla Cup Cakes | Family Food Tales with Mrs Alyona Kapoor | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Delicious and scrumptious vanilla cup cakes made without any eggs added to the mix.



120 grams butter + for greasing
1 cup condensed milk
2 cups refined flour + for dusting
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
80 ml milk
Powder sugar for garnish


1. Preheat the oven to 180˚C.
2. In a bowl, take butter. With a whisk, beat it and add condensed milk. Mix well.
3. Sift and add refined flour, baking powder and baking soda in the bowl. Fold the mixture gently. Mix well. Add vanilla essence and mix well.
4. Transfer half the mixture in another bowl, sieve and add cocoa powder. Combine well. Add 40 ml milk to make a good consistency batter.
5. Add remaining milk in first mixture and mix well.
6. Combine together mixture 2 with mixture 1. Mix it lightly.
7. Transfer prepared mixture in silicon muffin moulds till 3/4th of the moulds placed on a tray. Add remaining mixture of chocolate in a mould. Tap the moulds gently to fill in gaps within the moulds.
8. Bake in preheated oven for 15- 20 minutes.
9. Check with a toothpick or knife. If done, comes out clean when inserted in muffins.
10. Transfer muffins in a serving platter.
11. Serve immediately, sieve powder sugar on top of muffins and add as garnish.

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Cuisine - American
Course - Desserts
Dish - Desserts
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