【ENG SUB】★ 甜蛋散-集體回憶 自家製 做法 ★ | Sweet Egg Twists - Mama Cheung’s Childhood fave easy recipe | 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung

張媽媽[甜蛋散] ,快失傳的港式點心,已經很少在酒樓出現...今集和大家將童年回憶帶回家。
請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。

Mama Cheung’s Sweet Egg Twists - it’s quite rare to find these in restaurants, so why not make some at home and bring back sweet childhood memories? It’s deliciously crunchy! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel! If you like this, please share with your family and friends. Thank you!

#張媽媽 #蛋散 #chinesecooking

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材料 Ingredients (12件/12 pieces)

高筋麵粉190克 Strong flour 190g
雞蛋116克 Eggs 116g
適量高筋麵粉(手粉)Handful of strong flour (for dusting)
生油25克. Oil 25g
小梳打兩克 Baking soda 2g
食用嗅粉(碳酸氫銨)兩克 Baker’s Ammonium
炒香芝麻10克 Toasted sesame 10g

自家製糖漿材料:Homemade syrup ingredients:

白砂糖100克 Caster sugar 100g
冰糖25克 Rock sugar 25g
麥芽糖50克 Maltose 50g
清水150毫升 Water 150ml

張媽媽自家製 - 懷舊小食: Mama Cheung homemade vintage eats:

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