{ENG SUB} ★ 斬雞刀法,擺碟方法★ | Mama Cheung's Chicken Chopping Technique | 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung

張媽媽中國節日都會蒸雞,藉著中秋節快到,想和大家分享如何斬雞和擺碟方法!希望大家喜歡吧!如果想知道怎樣煮「白切雞」請按下面連結。請訂閱我的頻道及按「新片通知制]. 如喜歡的話,請like我的Video 分享給朋友家人。謝謝。

MamaCheung's Chinese Chicken Chopping method. I hope this is useful for those who love making their own chicken at home! If you want my “Chinese Steamed Chicken” recipe, please click the link below.

Please feel free to browse my other ENG SUB Chineses cooking recipes on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe and click on the “notification button” for surprise release! Like and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you!

#張媽媽 #切雞刀法 #Chinesecooking

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更多推介食譜 Recommended recipes:
白切雞 Chinese Steamed Chicken Easy Recipe https://youtu.be/7S6iv9V_adE
張媽媽【節日菜式】 Festive Recipes from MamaCheung's Kitchen
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