{ENG SUB} NUTRICIOUS soup with Chinese yam ★ 淮山杞子水鴨湯 簡單做法 ★ | 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung


Mama Cheung's Chinese Yam Duck Soup is a nourishing soup! It is suitable for all ages and even pregnant ladies! I hope you will like this! Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.

材料 Ingredients (四至六人份量 4-6 people portion)
冷藏水鴨1kg frozen duck 1kg
六粒紅棗20克 6 red dates (20g)
一角陳皮 1 dried tangerine peel
20克杞子 20g Gogi berries
乾冬菇淨重40克 Dried mushrooms 40g
200克瘦肉 lean pork 200g
乾淮山50克 Dried Chinese Yam 50g
乾蓮子20克 Dried lotus seeds 20g
五公升清水 5 Liter Water

#張媽媽 #水鴨湯 #中式湯
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