張媽媽暖笠笠食譜【香芋臘鴨煲】,秋風起,食臘味!只可以用一個形容詞「正」想知道有幾正,記得煮這個食譜同家人朋友分享!希望大家喜歡!請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道啊!如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。Mama Cheung's winter warmer “Braised taro & duck claypot” will keep you warm and cosy! This is a classic claypot dish that has delicious flavours, I am sure your family and friends will love this dish too! It is simply AWESOME, try it and see! I hope you will like this! Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.材料 Ingredients (四人份量 4 people portion)230g 臘鴨髀 230g Preserved salted duck leg600g 芋頭 600g Taro25g 蝦乾 25g Dried prawns配料: Aromatics:乾蔥碎30克 30g diced shallot蒜蓉30克 30g diced garlic兩片薑 2 ginger slices40克唐芹 40g Chinese celery10g 西紅椒或辣椒 10g Red bell pepper/red chillies調味料: Sauce:80克椰漿 80g Coconut cream花奶20克 (可免) 20g evaporated milk (optional)8克糖 8g sugar紹興酒10克 10g Xiaoshing wine5克魚露 (可免) 5g fish sauce (optional)五克蠔油 5g Oyster sauce 240毫升清水 240ml water⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄⤄#張媽媽 #臘鴨煲 #煲仔菜訂閱追蹤最新影片Subscribe my channel:https://goo.gl/6n9DuQ 更多點心食譜影片More Dim Sum Recipes:https://goo.gl/afQLxt張媽媽湯水 Mama Cheung Soup collection : https://goo.gl/kDRRtr張媽媽暖笠笠食譜 Mama Cheung Winter Recipes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcehf33Gkzy8w-cy5nnmb_gvP2KUlPw_G跟我聯繫 Connect with me:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamacheungcooksInstagram: https://instagram.com/mamacheungcooks/Blogger: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.hkTwitter: https://twitter.com/mamacheungcooksPinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mamacheungTumblr: http://mamacheung.tumblr.com