Free Juicer Recipes * Coconut Carrot Celery Cucumber Juice * Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms * *

Raw Food Recipes *
Adrenal Insufficiency *
Free Juicing Recipes *
Raw Food Diet *
Adrenal Gland Fatigue *
Raw Food Weight Loss *

Young Coconut Water with Carrot Celery Cucumber Parsley Juice

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
1 Thai Young Coconut (Coconut Water)
4-8 Carrots (unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic)
1-2 Cucumbers (unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic)
1/2-1 head of Celery
1 bunch of Parsley (optional)

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Open young coconut to get coconut water out ~ watch this video if you need help:

2) Run carrots, cucumbers and celery stalks through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you.

3) Add ice, if desired

4) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
Most of us these days have weaknesses in our adrenals and kidneys...leading to fatigue, depression and/or anxiety, and other type of gender-specific problems such as impotence for men, and frigidity or fibromyalgia for women.

Cooked food is very dehydrating, and so can be very challenging for your kidneys to process. Your adrenal glands sit atop of your kidneys, and your adrenals are responsible for sending out neurotransmitters, steroids and hormones that your body needs to function, relating to every organ and gland in your whole body.

In order for you to optimally function in this day and age, you are going to need strong adrenals!

If you ever experience stiffness in your lower back area, it could be your kidneys that are blocked up from cooked food, iodized salt, processed sugary foods like cookies and cake, or also too many nuts (even if they are all raw!).

The electricity of life flows more easily through water, than it does through clogged up mucus, sludge and/or stoned up calcification of the organs and glands in our body.

Regularly consuming fresh, raw vegetable juices will help your kidneys to stay flushed and clean. Our kidneys are the generators of the energy that is needed to strengthen the adrenals.

Always keep hydration in mind to help support your kidneys and adrenals! Things like cucumber juice, whole watermelon and corn (believe it or not!). Other great hydrating options are young coconut water, celery, parsley, cilantro and/or wheatgrass juice.

I want to talk a bit about fear...please don't let it run your life! If something should ever go "wrong" in your life, will you think it was worth having spent days or months worrying about it beforehand? I'm sure you would agree that dealing with the occurrence itself is plenty enough!

So for TODAY, simply make the choice to instead focus on courage and love, and on getting a lot of rest...especially if you have adrenal fatigue! Other things that could help would be getting off the coffee and meat (or at least begin to cut down the consumption of them, and increase the consumption of whole, raw fruits and fresh, raw vegetable juices!

Love, Dan

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