Free Raw Food Recipes ~ Easy Healthy Recipes Corn-Tomato Cucumber Cilantro Lime + Where is Love? *






A TRUE Raw Food Whole Food Meal!
Totally 100% Raw Corn on the Cob,
Tomato Slices,
Cucumber Chunks &
spritzed with Lime Juice

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
...missing quantities are up to you for this one!...
Raw Corn on the Cob (yes, totally raw, NOT even so much as lightly steamed...although if you need to steam them, we won't tell anyone...)
Beefsteak Tomatoes
1 bunch of Cilantro
1 Lime
*unpeeled if organic; peeled if inorganic

* P r e p a r a t i o n *

1) Shuck the corn, and lay out on what will be each person's lunch or dinner plate.

2) Slice the beefsteak tomatoes into very large pieces & slice the cucumbers lengthwise into quarters, setting all sliced tomatoes & cucumbers along side the shucked ears of corn.

3) Chop the cilantro into large pieces, and divide among all of the plates as well.

4) Use a manual citrus juicer or a citrus hand juicer to squeeze the juice of the lime over everything on each plate, but concentrating most heavily on the cilantro and the corn.

5) Serve, and enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
I wanted to share with you a REAL raw food meal, meaning one that is more typical for a REALLY quick and simple raw food dinner. This recipe involves no machines! But I do use a knife...

The top question type I have been getting has been about LOVE, and mainly in the sense of asking, "How do I get more love?"

The 2nd top question type I have been getting has been all things related to CORN, yes corn...go figure! So, to ward off in advance any further "So how do you prepare your corn?" type questions, here is the answer if you haven't figured it out already: I eat my corn 100% raw and unadulterated...not even slightly steamed! ;)

Regarding love, we are all an infinite field and we just come out of that...but with conditionings brought upon by us by our environments. At each of our cores, we really are all innocent. Just because many of us have been programmed with 'negative' and/or 'ignorant' things, through no faults of our own, this does not make our inner, innocent selves out to be bad...

So we REALLY need to love OURSELVES no matter what! Take some time to sit with yourself, be it via meditation, or spending more time alone...and learn to love yourself...just do it! ;-)

Love, Dan
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