French Toast Dippers with Chocolate Sauce Recipe by SooperChef (French Toast Stick)

Make these delicious and easy French Toast Dippers and serve them with the side of Chocolate Sauce. Together they make a finger licking combination. Try out these French Toast Dippers with Chocolate Sauce today.

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French Toast Dippers with Chocolate Sauce

Ingredients for French Toast Dippers:
Beaten eggs 3-4
Sugar 1/2 cup
Nestle MilkPak Full Cream Milk 1/2 cup
Nestle MilkPak Dairy Cream 1/4 cup
Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp
Bread slices as required
Caster sugar as required
Oil as required

Ingredients for Chocolate Ganache:
Milky chocolate 1 cup
Nestle MilkPak Dairy Cream 1 cup

Directions for French Toast Dippers Preparation:
1. In a bowl add eggs, sugar, Nestle MilkPak Full Cream Milk, Nestle MilkPak Dairy Cream, vanilla essence and mix it well. Set aside.
2. Take the bread slices and cut their edges. Place 2 bread slices on top of each other.
3. Cut them vertically together into 3 sticks.
4. Dip these sticks into egg mixture and fry them until golden brown in color.
5. Now coat them in caster sugar and set aside.
Directions for Chocolate Ganache Preparation:
6. In a bowl milky chocolate and Nestle MilkPak Dairy Cream. Microwave it for a minute.
7. Now mix it well and once it completely melts, your chocolate ganache is ready. Serve it with French Toast Dippers and serve.
Prep time: 15-20 mins
Cooking time: 10-15 mins
Servings: 3-4
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