All you need to know to choose and buy fresh artichokes. Artichoke is a great ingredient, but I prefer canned or jarred artichoke hearts, especially to use in artichoke pastas and in salads. Im not a big fan of fresh artichokes, although CG loves fresh artichoke. She likes to steam artichoke in the microwave and serve it with a dipping sauce. You can view more artichoke info and the complete sauce recipes at is one of the best prices I found on Amazon for Canned Artichokes but mostly the artichoke prices are pretty over the top definitely check your local grocery store first for canned or jarred artichoke.And check out all Chef Buck Recipes at were in Mexico, and if youre interested in following our travels, subscribe to OUR TRAVEL CHANNEL at SLOWPOKE TRAVEL... We appreciate you watching our videos...Thanks!We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program that provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos. Connect with this media to catch all of my videos...thanks:OUR TRAVEL CHANNEL: SLOWPOKE TRAVEL RECIPES AT MY WEBSITE: PLAYLISTS: to Prepare Fresh ArtichokesAs with many foods, you can prepare artichokes in a variety of ways. Whats the quickest, and one of the most nutritious ways to prepare fresh artichokes? Well, lets compare some cooking times.Stuff and Bake. You can add some great flavors but expect an hour of cooking time.Grill. Great grill taste but you need 45 minutes of cooking time.Boil or Steam on the Stove. After the water comes to a boil, it takes another 20-35 minutes, depending on artichokes sizeUse a Pressure Cooker. Cooks faster, but you need a pressure cooker. And, its harder to tell when the artichokes are done.Microwave Steaming. Generally will take about 6-10 minutes to microwave steam an entire artichoke, depending on your microwaves power settings, and the size of the artichoke. DING, DING, DING WE HAVE A WINNER!Tips For The Best Steamed Artichokes In The Microwave.So, youve decided to steam an artichoke in the microwave. Heres how to make the most of it.Prep The Artichoke. Before microwaving, cut the top third of each artichoke off. This is going to be the toughest, inedible artichoke leaves so dont be sad. You can always make your compost pile a little happier with inedible artichoke parts. A sharp, serrated knife helps cut through the top. Even better, use an electric knife, if you got it.To keep it from browning before you eat it, once you cut it, sprinkle with some lemon or lime. Some types of fresh artichokes brown more easily than other. One good thing if it does brown, it doesnt impact the taste.Find The Right Dish. You want a dish where you can place the artichoke(s) cut side down, with about cup of water in the bottom, and that can be tightly covered. The cover can be the microwavable lid, a dinner plate, or plastic wrap.Add Some Seasoning Before You Cook. Add a bay leaf and/or some lemon to the water. Sprinkle some herbs over the artichokes before you cook it.To increase the cooking time even more, cut your artichoke into 4-6 parts. This way, you have more surface area to season, and you will reduce your cooking time even more.Avoid Overcooking Your Artichoke. Although the microwave makes cooking the artichokes fast and easy, you dont want to overcook your artichoke. And different sized artichokes will cook differently. Check a whole artichoke after 7 minutes to get an idea how fast your microwave is cooking. If you cut your artichoke in halves or quarters, check it after 4 minutes. You know the artichoke is done when you can pull an outer leaf off with ease.Serve Warm. Let the artichoke cool slightly, but serve warm.