My Grandma Just Graduated From College At Age 79

My grandma had several goals listed out as a teenager. After her husband died she was wondering what to do with her life and she remembered this list of goals. She had completed all of them.....except just one. She wanted a college degree.

At the same time as several of her grandchildren were preparing for college, she did the same. One of her grandchildren brought her a calculator and taught her to use it so she could study to take the ACT so she could even apply to a University. Others helped her study. And then there was the whole college application situation with essays and all. Not to mention she had some physical challenges to face and started an exercise regiment to get her body ready just for the physical exertion of college life. After all that she was admitted to a college more than 600 miles away.

And she went.

She moved in with her daughter and son-in-law. Her daughter registered her for classes and helped her find where to go. Students did double takes and stared, but she quickly won them over. Soon, everyone knew about the old lady on campus.

It wasn't easy. In fact, sometimes it felt impossibly hard. But with the support of her family and friends and an entire University of students and professors behind her....she got her degree.

I truly hope you enjoy her message and find as much inspiration from her achievement as I do. I consider this a recipe for life.
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