#Gulab Jamuns easy#Gulab Jamun Jhatpat#How to make Gulab jamun in minutes | Sujan Fun Kitchen

“Gulab jamun was first prepared in medieval India, derived from a fritter that Central Asian Turkic invaders brought to India. One theory claims that it was accidentally prepared by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan's personal chef.
The word "gulab" is derived from the Persian words gol (flower) and āb (water), referring to the rose water-scented syrup. "Jamun" or "jaman" is the Hindi-Urdu word for Syzygium jambolanum, an Indian fruit with a similar size and shape, commonly known as black plum.”
I can visualize viewers smirking - why does she want to make a video for GulabJamun making?! It’s such an easy dish, with so many readymade brands of Gulab Jamun easily available. But, believe me, Gulab Jamuns can be tricky to make! Either the syrup would become too thick or the Gulab Jamuns would break in oil or in syrup! Or sometimes the sugar syrup and the Gulab Jamun would be poles apart in taste! So I have made this video after many trial-and-error attempts!
Hop into my kitchen for a clear demo of the easy recipe.
Readymade Gulab Jamun mix - 1 cup
Sugar - 2 cups
Water - 3 cups
Milk - few tbsp or as required
Saffron strands - few
Oil - for deep frying
In a small bowl, mix few strands of saffron in 1 tsp of milk and keep aside
Now, in a bowl, add the Gulab Jamun mix and lightly toss together with drops of milk to make a soft dough
Set aside the dough for 10 minutes
Meanwhile in a thick pan, add sugar and water and make a syrup, boiling for just 5 minutes
Keep aside the sugar syrup after adding the saffron-milk mixture
Now, heat oil in a deep pan to just a bubble hot temperature - that is bubble would be seen if a ladle is placed inside the oil
Meanwhile divide the dough into roundels, without cracks
Deep fry, gently placing the roundels inside the oil
Fry till golden in colour
Dunk the golden fried roundels into the sugar syrup
Let them soak for at least an hour
Now, enjoy the yummy Gulab Jamuns.
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