Heal Your Gums and Teeth With This!

Order at the link here: https://therawfoodworld.com/product-category/beauty/oral-care/

So I asked the company how this electric toothbrush differs from the Sonicare Toothbrush, and they told me that it uses an ionic, rather than a sonic action to loosen plaque from the teeth. As dentists know, teeth normally have a negative polarity while plaque has an opposite or positive polarity, and that is why plaque clings to your teeth.

The Ionic Toothbrush breaks this ionic bond by temporarily reversing the polarity of tooth surfaces as you brush. The plaque molecules are then repelled by the teeth and drawn to the negatively polarized bristles of the Ionic Toothbrush.

My daughter is always asking, Daddy, why are your teeth yellow lol. She cant say that anymore!

Unlike other toothbrushes, which try to force plaque off of your teeth by friction, the Ionic brush makes your teeth let go of the plaque, like turning off a magnet, and the plaque gets released from even hard to reach areas.

This Ionic Toothbrush is even clinically proven. Clinical studies actually show that basic power brushes, similar to Sonicare and OralB, reduce plaque by 11% at 1-3 months, and 21% after 3 months. However, in a well-known, double-blind study done at Marquette University, researchers found a 48% better plaque reduction among ionic toothbrush users. It's twice as much of a difference compared to basic power brushes without the ionic component. Furthermore, after 6 months Ionic Toothbrush users showed a 40% improvement in gingival health.

This Ionic Toothbrush that we are offering you today, is simply the most effective toothbrush you can use. It is the only toothbrush that works on the technology of changing polarity, thus allowing teeth to let go of plaque.

People are reporting cleaner, whiter teeth and little or no plaque when visiting their dentist.

Order at the link here: https://therawfoodworld.com/product-category/beauty/oral-care/
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