healthy papaya smoothie - just 4 ingredients (and no sugar!)

Oh yea, let me tell you about my favorite fruit papaya! This tropical fruit is not only delicious, but it's also packed with nutrients that make it a great addition to any smoothie. And trust me, I know my smoothies - I've been blending up fruit and veggies for years.

Discover the middle path - where plant based food and traditional Japanese food meet

First of all, papayas are like the cool kids of the fruit world. They're all smooth and shiny on the outside, with a bright orangey-yellow color that screams "hey, I'm fun!". And when you cut them open, they're all juicy and full of seeds that make you feel like you're discovering buried treasure. Only they're not edible. Well, I wouldn't recommend eating them at least.

If only they were, it'd be like a tropical party in your mouth.

But papayas aren't just fun and games - they're actually super healthy. They're loaded with vitamin C, which is great for boosting your immune system and keeping you healthy. And if you're looking for a good dose of fiber, papayas have got you covered.

Drink one of these and you'll be pooping in no time.


Papayas are also a good source of potassium, and other vitamins and minerals that are JUST GOOD FOR YOU.

Now, when it comes to smoothies, papayas are a fantastic choice. They add a creamy texture and a sweet, tropical flavor that can take you to another world.

Just close your eyes and imaging yourself somewhere tropical.

Did you close them?

Plus, papayas are versatile - you can blend them up with other fruit and they'll taste amazing.

In particular I like strawberries and bananas.

But sometimes I like it simple.

One of my favorite papaya smoothie recipes is this one with just soy milk and my favorite amakoji (concentrated version of amazake). A fermented rice drink that is sweet and alcohol free.

Here's how to make it
1/2 papaya
1/4-1/2 cup soymilk
2-4 Tbsps of amakoji (to taste, more = sweeter)
dash of vanilla powder (for vanilla flavor...)

Blend all the ingredients together until smooth, then pour into a glass and garnish with a little umbrella and a tiny paper parasol. Just kidding, you don't have to go that far - but seriously, it's a pretty delicious smoothie.

As you may know the great thing about papaya smoothies is that they're super refreshing. If you've been feeling sluggish or tired, a papaya smoothie can give you the energy boost you need to power through your day. It's like a little shot of sunshine in a glass.

In conclusion, papayas are pretty much the coolest fruit ever. They're healthy, delicious, and versatile, making them the perfect ingredient for smoothies. So next time you're blending up a fruity concoction, throw some papaya in there and get ready to feel like you're on a tropical vacation.

and yes: glass staw and insulated containers are key, check the links below to get your own

try it and let me know your thoughts in a comment!

if you didn't see it, the secret ingredient I use is amakoji. The base for amazake. Amazake is a traditional Japanese beverage that has been consumed for centuries. It is a fermented rice drink that is made by combining cooked rice with koji, a type of fungus that is used to ferment many different types of Japanese foods. It's amazingly sweet and simple to make. Check out the video below to see how:

genmai amakoji - (fermented brown rice with komekoji)

Hummingbird glass straw

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