HERB Smoked Stuffed Salmon and Spicy Beer Recipe | Pro Home Cooks

Sure we've all seen cooking shows before, but how many of you have seen a cooking show that starts off with a man running for his life to the toilet to take a huge dump?

Thought so.

Spicy Beer Recipe
To get silly with your drinking habits and add a nice kick take a Mexican beer and add a slice of jalapeno in there with a little lime juice. Delicious.

Smoked Stuffed Salmon Tips

Salmon is a simple fish to cook and tastes amazing on the grill. If you cut it up in to fillets you can insert a little slit in the side and stuff it with whatever you'd like. In this case we crushed up some garlic and some fresh herbs and slipped them in to the side of the salmon. Then we put it on the grill and smoked it on a low flame to allow it to get the delicious smoked flavor that so many love when grilling.

While that was happening we took some green beans and did a neat little steam trick. You take some aluminum foil and wrap it up in to a pouch. Add in the green beans, some salt, pepper, oil, garlic, and a little butter if you'd like, close the pouch up and toss it on the grill to steam it up. Man is that delicious.

While everything is on the grill cooking, and as the drinks flow, we took some fresh tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers, lime juice, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper and we made a nice fresh salsa/relish to go on top. The day kept getting weirder and weirder as the music jammed on and as the bowls went round but man did it turn out to be damn delicious.

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