Homemade Shrikhand with Chakka | Quick Indian Sweet Dessert | Recipe by Archana in Marathi | Ruchkar Mejwani

Learn how to make Shrikhand, a quick, easy & popular dessert recipe from our chef Archana on Ruchkar Mejwani. Shrikhand is made with homemade curd, sweetened with sugar & garnished with dry fruits.

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1/2 Kg Chakka (Hung Curd)
1/2 Kg Powdered Sugar
1 tsp Cardamom Powder
Dry Fruits for Garnishing


१/२ किलो चक्का
१/२ किलो पीठी साखर
१ tsp वेलची पावडर
सुका मेवा सजावटीसाठी


- To make chakka, take around 600 to 700 gms of curd and hung it overnight in a piece of cloth. Let the water drain out. Your chakka is ready.
- In a bowl, add chakka and powdered sugar. Mix everything well.
- Then add cardamom powder and again mix well. Make sure there are no lumps. Shrikhand is ready.
- Garnish it with dry fruits and serve!

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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