Honey Mushroom and Pholiata squarrosa Comparison

Many novice mushroom foragers can get too enthusiastic when identifying honey mushrooms. Often they mistake honeys (Armillaria mellea) for Pholiota squarrosa mushrooms. Pholiota squarrosa contain toxins and can land you on a toilet for many hours - or worse, the emergency department. If you don't see the two together, and you are a novice, mistakes can happen. Please be careful! Also... the Galerina marginata is a deadly look-alike!!! (Could not find any to include in this video, though.)

- Honey Mushroom (identification, distinguishing features, height, habitat, spore print, season & edibility): https://www.ediblewildfood.com/honey-mushroom.aspx

#honeymushrooms #honeyfungus #foraging
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