HOT SPRINGS! Will you REGENERATE? Or... d e g e n e r a t e ?


Raw Food Diet
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Vegetable Juicing
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* I n s p i r a t i o n *
If you've been sick a long, long time, you CAN turn it around...however, it's probably not going to happen w/ pills, or the latest medical breakthrough.

Why not? Because the simplicity of how our cells function has been around forever: If we want functioning cells, we must stop the inflammation of them! Why? Because inflammation calcifies the healthy cells of our body.

We often "feel" the calcification first in our bones & joints...making it all harden up & become more stiff, as we also then deal with an over-abundance of osteoblasts being deposited all around.

SO, if you have achy, stiff joints, or arthritis, or ANYTHING really, there IS actually a way out, which doesn't involve pharmaceuticals! Just ALKALIZE your body's tissues! The quickest way is 1 green vegetable juice every day freshly juiced by YOU or at a juice bar, as you will want it to be RAW! If it comes in a can or a bottle at the store, it is NOT raw unless on the off-chance there is a local business that does indeed sell raw freshly-bottled which case they would probably make that fact VERY well known on the label. ;) When in doubt, assume it is NOT raw and just go home and juice a green drink quickly by yourself!

Remember! It takes 20 parts alkaline to neutralize 1 part acid. So you will need to regularly drink green juice for some time to undo all the negative effects that acidosis caused in your body.

So if you REALLY want to have a positive effect on reversing the calcification process, you really gotta move forward with this! Focus on juicing yourself at least 1 green juice a day & enjoying leafy green salads & whole fruits. Fruit helps to break up the calcifications & helps to wash all your cells clean.

If you are consuming more fruits & veggies, this hopefully means you'll naturally begin to eat less meat, dairy, bread, refined sugar, processed foods, those latter foods are acid-forming in the body! So they are the culprits of the calcification you would like to get rid of! So you can see that the more you learn about this stuff, the clearer it is going to become to you what the optimal conditions are for your cells to function as they were designed to function. ;)

For those of you who have dealt with issues such as these your entire lives, even when you were a child, consider this: Your Mom & Dad were most likely not raw foodists, or even close, & neither were their whatever negative effects that had on the quality of their cells, was also passed down to you. But don't feel bad, I'm not singling you out! You, me and everyone else-99% of us-are in the same boat! This is why we're on the whole degenerating as a species...but why THIS channel is called the LIFEREGENERATOR CHANNEL! :)

SO...we need to band together & stop making second rate food choices! Also, in order to reverse the degeneration of our species we need to make it commonplace for people to want to think about really detoxifying themselves for at least 2 years before they had a baby (yes 2 years, but if you are younger and have more time, I would actually recommend that you think of first detoxing for 7 years, yes 7!)

I personally feel that it is insanity that people get cancer diagnoses and then rush off to 'quickly' have babies before it is too late. I mean, hello???? They will only be passing along tissue weaknesses to their child, which they may not have a fighting chance to overcome...and this is why we see babies being born with cancer today. :(

I personally feel that if you *really* love your future children, that you would set them up to have strong, functioning cells...which can only come through YOU becoming as healthy, strong, fit, and ALKALINE as possible! ;)

We do not need to procreate weaknesses anymore! Regenerate your glands, tissues & organs! Think juicy, whole fruits! Daily raw vegetable juices! Leafy, green salads! Nourishing smoothies! Limited amounts of nuts and seeds!

Also, just in case you were thinking that it is the *nutrition* in fruits & vegetables that heal you, it actually is their ENERGETICS which allow YOU to heal you!

Also...cultivate love in your life! Eliminate the stinkin' thinkin', and instead be grateful for what you got! Love yourself from your heart! Eat living foods and regenerate!

Love, Dan

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