#HOWTOMAKECOCONUTMILKSPAGHETTI #PASTAWITHCOCONUTMILK #HOWTOCOOKCREAMYCOCONUTMILKSPAGHETTIPASTAThiscoconut milk spaghetti/pasta is very delicious and quick to prepare. This spaghetti jollof was made with coconut milk and chicken and vegetables stirfry. So yummy and creamy. This is a detailed recipe on how to prepare delicious coconut spaghetti/pasta.We upload recipes that are easy to make consistentlyTo see how to extract coconut milk, see this video https://youtu.be/60ImNRK0tbwSubscribe and turn on your notification by clicking on the bell Icon Follow us on Facebook @ http://instagram.com/adorablekitchenonlineOn Instagram @ http://facebook.com/adorablekitchenonline