How I make Korean Ramen MUKBANG

1st Ramen: I started off with 2 cups of water and added the soup base and flakes. Once it starts to boil again, then I added noodles. Once the noodles seem to be softer and cooked (they will separate easily from each other) I finally give last touch with black peppers!

2nd Ramen: Start with 2 cups of water. Once the water boils, add 1/4 tablespoon of soybean paste. Let it mix with the water. Once it becomes homogeneous, add 1/2 of the soup base and the flakes. Add the noodles next, but try not to crack them too much because I like to add the eggs and green onions right on top! cover it with the lid and let it boil for a minute or two. In this video, my yolk actually over cooked.. but i usually like them raw so I can mix them with my noodles~

thanks for watching everyone! How did you like my somewhat cooking video?! I would love love love to continue doing this~
Please give me your feedbacks~

Love you guys.. and thank you so much!!

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