how to make sencha a different way to make japanese green tea (oishii!)

Sencha is a type of Japanese green tea that is distinctive from other green teas due to its unique cultivation, processing, and taste.

The tea plants used to make sencha are grown in full sun, which gives the leaves a richer flavor and deeper green color. The tea is harvested in the first or second flush of growth, when the leaves are still tender and fresh.

After being harvested, the leaves are steamed to prevent oxidation and preserve their color and flavor. Unlike other green teas, sencha leaves are then rolled and shaped to give them their distinctive needle-like appearance.

Sencha has a delicate, grassy flavor with a slight sweetness and astringency. Its aroma is fresh and vegetal, with hints of seaweed and toasted grains. It is also higher in caffeine than other green teas, making it a popular choice for a morning beverage.

Overall, sencha stands out from other green teas due to its unique combination of cultivation, processing, and taste. It is a beloved tea in Japan and is gaining popularity around the world for its unique flavor and health benefits.

If you want to try some of pat's favorite japanese teas, check out the latest offerings in the shop.

here's a link for you if you want to try them out.

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