HungryGoWhere goes to Legendary Hong Kong

The trip to #Jurong Point was well worth it for this meal of HK delicacies at Legendary Hong Kong. Succulent roast meats (roast duck, fatty pork belly, chicken and roast pork, $18.80 for an assorted platter), Typhoon shelter style dishes of prawn ($14.80) and salmon head ($16) with chilli and fried garlic. Custard crust buns with frozen butter ($2.50, baked fresh, on-site, everyday), springy, shrimp wanton noodles ($6.80 with soup), crisp-edged pan-fried noodles topped with shredded pork ($10.80). Steamed and fried dim sum, toasts, noodles and congee, and much more. The place feels like a Chinese restaurant, a #dimsum eatery and a #chachaanteng in both decor and menu. There is so much to eat, but drinks are a must. The 7-up with salty preserved lemons ($3.20) and boiled coke with lemon and ginger ($3.20) come highly recommended.
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