Insect-Free: A Guide to Home Vegetable Inspection - Leafy Vegetables (1 of 4)

Insect-Free: A Guide to Home Vegetable Inspection - Leafy Vegetables (1 of 4)

What could be more refreshing than a vegetable salad? The lush greens, so crunchy and healthful. And yet, they fill many hearts with dread: "How will we check them for bugs?"

Fret no more! In this DVD, OU Kosher provides YOU with a guide to checking vegetables in YOUR kitchen. A wide variety of vegetation is featured: lettuce, cabbage, herbs, strawberries and others.
This video features Rabbi Yosef Eisen, the Rabbinic Administrator of the Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns & Rockaway and an OU Kosher Rabbinic Coordinator from 1990-1999. Rabbi Eisen shares his vast expertise in a clear and engaging way so that the steps in inspection are simple to follow.
Eating a bug is much worse than eating ham; it's crucial to learn how to make your vegetables 100% kosher. This video will show you what you need to know.
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