INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL IN MUMBAI | World On A Plate Season 4 | Mumbai Food Vlog


A Masterchef is a genius. More like a scientist who is constantly innovating with ingredients that are unique and exotic to create the most delightful experiences with food.

We are inspired by the works of Masimmo Bottura, Heston Blumenthal, Grant Achatz, Thomas Keller, Marco Pierre White, Francis Mallmann amongst others, and have created a platform for chefs who aspire to be like them.

WORLD ON A PLATE (WOAP) gives Indian chefs an opportunity to showcase food as a form of a genuine expression of passion. Restaurant pop-ups by the city's top restaurants, master classes by renowned master chefs, exclusive curated dinners & lunches, competition amongst amateur chefs, awards given away by some of the world's most influential culinary artists makes WORLD ON A PLATE the biggest and the most credible International Food Festival in the country.

#FoodFestival #InternationalFood #WorldOnAPlate
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