Jaljeera Sorbet | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Jaljeera is a popular beverage and almost everyone makes this, specially during summer because of its cooling effect. Try this cool beverage to quench your thirst.



4 tablespoons roasted cumin seeds (jeera)
1 tablespoon fresh coriander leaves
1 tablespoon fresh mint leaves
1 inch ginger, chopped
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
Black salt to taste
Salt to taste
3 tablespoons castor sugar
A pinch asafoetida (hing)
Juice of 1 lemon
Fresh mint sprigs for garnishing
Lemon slices for garnishing


1. Blend together cumin seeds, coriander, mint leaves, ginger, tamarind pulp, black salt, salt, 2 tablespoons castor sugar, asafoetida and lemon juice. Add little water and blend into a smooth paste.
2. Transfer in a jug, add some more water and remaining castor sugar and stir well. Fill the mixture in an ice tray and freeze till set.
3. Blend the jaljeera ice cubes till smooth and transfer into individual ramekin moulds.
4. Garnish with mint sprigs and lemon slices and serve immediately.

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Cuisine - Indian
Course - Beverages
Dish - Beverages
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