Jam Cookies | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Delicious freshly baked cookies with pineapple jam in the centre.



100 grams refined flour (maida)
60 grams castor sugar
¼ cup butter
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
30 grams cornstarch
2 tablespoons milk
Pineapple jam as required


1. Cream together castor sugar and butter in a bowl using an electric beater till light. Add vanilla essence and whisk well.
2. Sift together refined flour and cornstarch. Add milk and mix well till well combined into a dough.
3. Roll out the dough into ½ cm thick sheet and cut into roundels using a medium size cookie cutter.
4. Cut the center of half of the roundels using a small cookie cutter and discard them to make rings.
5. Spread some pineapple jam on each roundel, place a ring on top and put some more pineapple jam in the center. Place them on a baking tray.
6. Put the tray into the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. Remove from oven and cool.
7. Serve.

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Cuisine - Fusion
Course - starter
Dish - starter
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