Jamie’s Mexican Breakfast | Avocado, Egg & Black Beans | Jamie Oliver & The Body Coach

A good breakfast is really important - that’s why Jamie is showing Joe Wicks (AKA The Body Coach) how to make his All-Day Mexican inspired breakfast. It’s a delicious vegetarian combo of eggs, avocado and black beans, served up with chilli & lime and it’s packed full of protein too! If you haven’t checked it out already, take a look at Jamie’s Quick and Easy http://jamieol.com/JamiesQuickandEasyYT

Links from the video:
Post-Workout Shake with Joe Wicks - The Body Coach | http://jamieol.com/PostWorkoutShake
Joe's Amazing Mango Chicken Burger from The Fat-Loss Plan | https://goo.gl/GrvF1y
Easy Fish Curry | http://jamieol.com/FishCurry

Subscribe to Joe's channel: https://goo.gl/L5CIo3

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