Kaju Katli/Chocolate Kaju Katli My Way | Sujan Fun Kitchen

Chocolate Kaju Kathli from Sujan Fun Kitchen is a must try! It combines the goodness of Cocoa/Dark Chocolate and Cashewnuts in a magical way.
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Chocolate Kaju Katli


Cashewnuts - 1 cup

Milk powder - 1 cup

Cocoa - ½ cup

Sugar - 1 ½ cups 

Ghee - ¼ cup

Melon seeds for garnishing - optional


Powder the cashewnuts in mixi - take care to grind little by little and also use the mixi to just give a short grinding time, every time so that the oil from cashews dont separate - keep aside the fine cashew powder

In a bowl, mix the milk powder, cashew powder and cocoa together well

Meanwhile in a thick pan, add sugar 

Add just enough water to cover the sugar

Keep cooking the sugar syrup till one string consistency is formed

Add the ghee and switch off the flame

Add the cashew milk powder and cocoa mix to the sugar syrup and keep stirring, constantly till the dough looks like chapati dough

Transfer to a greased thali

Garnish with melon seeds

Cut the Chocolate Kaju Katli into desired shapes

Enjoy the divine taste of the Chocolate Kaju Katli with friends and family
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