Laab Gai recipe from the Star of Siam kitchen, Thai street food

Larb or laab is a meat salad seasoned with fresh herbs. It is believed that the dish is originally from Laos, but it is also popular in the Northeastern and Northern regions of Thailand, as well as being prominent on the menus of Thai restaurants around the world.

As it is very easy to adapt, there are many variations of Larb. It can be made with pork, fish, chicken, duck, buffalo or cow. Nowadays you can even find vegetarian versions with mushrooms or tofu. The spices and herbs may vary according to the region and the meat used, however, coriander, scallions and lots of mints form the bases of this tasty dish.

The preparation process is quite simple. It is made basically with minced meat (cooked or raw -like tartar) mixed with spices and herbs. Traditionally, the dish is served with sticky rice and green leaves.

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