Event and Award Presentation Ceremony HighlightsIYCCCC 2016 is organised by Lee Kum Kee and jointly supported by 21 Chinese culinary associations around the world. This is a combined effort aimed at raising industry standards and encouraging creativity and knowledge sharing among young chefs. Hosted at Hong Kong’s Chinese Culinary Institute, the final round features 43 young chefs from Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States to compete for the International championship title.The 43 contestants will infuse their creativity and Chinese culinary expertise into the making of a dish within 90 minutes according to designated ingredients, paired with Lee Kum Kee sauces and condiments. This year’s finalists all boast an average culinary experience of 14 years with an average age of mid-30s, specialising in Cantonese, Sichuan, Huaiyang, Hunan, Fujian, Zhejiang as well as Taiwanese cuisine.Tan Kean-loon (Singapore) was awarded champion, capturing both Gold and Distinction Awards with his winning dish ‘Lee-Kee Classic Beef Tenderloin’.活動及頒獎典禮花絮 李錦記青年廚師中餐國際大賽2016由李錦記主辦,並獲全球共21個中餐業組織鼎力支持。是次合作充份體現業界攜手以提升業內水平,及鼓勵全球年青中餐廚師發揮創意和互相交流。總決賽於中華廚藝學院舉行,43位來自日本、中國、台灣、 加拿大、法國、香港、美國、馬來西亞、荷蘭、 新加坡、澳門、澳洲及韓國的參賽者角逐青年廚師中餐國際冠軍的名銜。43位參賽者將於90分鐘內,以其創意和中餐烹飪造詣,利用大會指定材料配以李錦記醬料及調味料製作一道中菜菜式。今屆參賽者的平均年齡為35歲,擁有平均14年中餐烹飪年資。其擅長烹調的地方菜系包括粵菜、川菜,淮揚菜,湘菜、閩菜、淅江菜及台菜。陳健倫(新加坡)以其珍餚「李記經典牛柳卷」贏得大會七位評審青睞,擊敗來自全球42位青年廚師,勇奪李錦記青年廚中餐國際大賽2016至尊金獎。