If you love protein, then you'll love a bit of these black beans. Full of all the good stuff, you can't beat a bit of bean action in your diet. Loads more recipes in : http://jamieol.com/SuperFood. What's your favourite bean guys? Gennaro thinks he knows mine......

For the perfect start to 2016 check out all the great videos we have for a Happier Healthier You:

10 Healthy Meals : http://jamieol.com/10meals
10 Healthy Drinks : http://jamieol.com/10drinks
10 Healthy Snacks : http://jamieol.com/10snacks
10 Healthy Ingredients : http://jamieol.com/10ingredients

Plus loads more recipes, ideas and inspiration right here : http://www.jamieoliver.com

Here are some recipes that will get your tastebuds going!

DJ BBQ Healthy Baked Beans | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJXHYFOHtaw
Gennaro's Seafood Pasta with Cannellini Beans | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c56BSMxoiqw
Aaron Craze's Butter Bean Salad | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKBE_GORFgo

Links from the video:
My Hair | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0SmVrvx2Eo
Everyday Super Food | http://jamieol.com/SuperFood

For more nutrition info, click here: http://jamieol.com/D3JimM

Jamie Oliver's Food Tube | http://jamieol.com/M2xkcF
Subscribe to Food Tube | http://jamieol.com/kLO4Xo
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Jamie's Recipes App | http://jamieol.com/E0TVBd
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More great recipes | http://www.jamieoliver.com


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