Lobster Mushrooms

Lobster mushrooms (Hypomyces lactifluorum) are considered to be one of the best tasting wild mushrooms out there. Always be sure with identification and never eat raw! For more info see the links below.

- Lobster Mushrooms (identification, distinguishing features, height, habitat, spore print, season & edibility): https://www.ediblewildfood.com/lobster-mushroom.aspx

- Lobster Mushrooms Article: https://www.ediblewildfood.com/blog/2018/08/lobster-mushrooms/

- Lobster Mushroom Soup Recipe: https://www.ediblewildfood.com/lobster-mushroom-soup.aspx

Thank you to Zapsplat for the nature effects - it is greatly appreciated! https://www.zapsplat.com/sound-effect-category/nature/page/25/

FYI: I tried to get the still images to remain longer before fading out but I could not do it with the software I had! If you haven't time to read the info on these still images - please pause the video!

#lobstermushroom #ediblefungi #Hypomyceslactifluorum
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