Lucas' Journey: 23 Weeker Micropreemie bakes for World Prematurity Day 2020 - Lucas' Kitchen

Lucas is a micropreemie, he was born at 23 weeks gestation, weighing 1lb 1oz.

Today Lucas is baking Cupcakes to raise awareness of World Prematurity Day (17th November).

1 in 10 babies are born prematurely worldwide!

NICU journey is often very challenging, for more info/ support:


Special thanks to all the staff at UHCW hospital who saved Lucas' and his little sister (born at 35 weeks) lives.

Any donation to Bliss, very welcome:

Learn how to make refreshing Watermelon Ice Lollies with Lucas:

Thank you to Skinny Food Co to always send us yummy products.
Skinny Food Co products available at

#LucasKitchen #LucasShow #Micropreemie #nicu #23weeker #worldprematurityday #prematurityawareness #nicujourney
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