Mango Icecream with just 5 ingredients/Mango Icecream without Cream/Condensed milk | Sujan Fun Kitchen

Mango Icecream without cream or condensed milk. Just 5 ingredients are enough to make this Mango Icecream using only a mixer/mixi


Chopped ripe mangoes - 3 cups

Curd/Yoghurt - 1 cup

Honey - ¼ cup

Melted jaggery - ½ cup

Lemon - 1


Grind mangoes, curd/yogurt, honey, melted jaggery and lemon juice together in a heavy mixer, in the large jar - to a smooth and creamy texture

Freeze for 2 or 3 hours and then break and crumble the icecream all over with a fork

Put it back in the fridge to freeze, overnight

Serve drizzling with honey and jaggery

Garnish with cherries and raisins
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