Mirch Ke Pakode Street Food Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi

#Mirchkepakode is made with Special Bhajiya Chillies. Here Big Green chillies are stuffed with the batter of Besan and Spices.

Ingredients Quantity
Bhavnagri Chillies (Slit and deseeded) 4 no.
Oil for deep frying
For Filling:
Oil 1 tbsp
Asafoetida tsp
Cumin seeds 1 tsp
Ginger chopped 1 tsp
Green chilli chopped 2 no
Onion roughly chopped 1 no
Turmeric powder tsp
Dry Mango powder 1 tsp
Red Chilli Powder tsp
Garam Masala Powder tsp
Cumin Powder tsp
Salt to taste
Potato boiled and mashed 2 no
For Slurry:
Gram Flour 1 cup
Turmeric powder tsp
Red Chilli Powder tsp
Salt to taste
Water as required
For Tamarind Chutney:
Tamarind water cup
Onion chopped 1 no. (Small)
Coriander chopped 1 tbsp
Green chilli chopped 1 no
Red chilli powder tsp
Dry mango powder 1 tsp

For Filling:
1. Heat oil in a pan; add asafoetida, cumin seeds, mix well and saut till cumin splutter.
2. Add chopped ginger and green chillies, saut well.
3. Add chopped onions, turmeric powder, dry mango powder, red chilli powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder, salt and mashed potato, mix well and saut for 1 min.
4. Remove the mixture in a bowl and keep it aside.
5. Slit the green chillies and deseed them from the middle.
6. Fill the prepared mixture and keep it aside.
For Slurry:
7. Take mixing bowl, add gram flour, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, salt and water, mix well and make thick slurry. Keep it aside.
For Tamarind Chutney:
8. Take another bowl, add tamarind water, chopped onion, coriander, green chilli, red chilli powder and dry mango powder, mix well and keep it aside.
For frying:
9. Heat oil in a pan, dip the stuffed chillies in the batter and drop it in the hot oil and fry till golden brown and crisp.
10. Remove in tissue paper.
11. Arrange the fried chillies on serving plate and serve hot with tamarind chutney.

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