Misdiagnosed, My Life is on the Line

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I have a video further below sharing a complete update on my health.

After my surgeries of removing my colon, and reconnecting it to create a Jpouch, I was finally able to come off of prednisone. I was completely healed after a few years of suffering. I was walking 5 - 20 miles a day no problem.

I then finally came off of prednisone, and over time I became weaker and weaker to the point where I became bed ridden again. I ended up in the ER, suffered many treatments again including an endoscopy and a colonoscopy.

It turns out that they misdiagnosed me, and I had Crohns Disease and not Ulcerative Colitis.

The disease came back full force, and my Jpouch is covered in ulcers. My life is on the line and I share all of the details in the video below. It is a profound video that will open the eyes of many. I am very hopeful, I pray every single day, and Im excited to share this video with you below so you can see what is exactly happening with me.

You will not believe the works God has done for me in this video. Your jaw will drop and your eyes will open wide.

Thank you everyone so much for your support. You have no idea how much it means to me.
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