Nariyal Chakki Recipe | Ganesh Chaturthi Special Coconut Fudge Recipe | Yaman Agarwal | CookingShooking


Try something new this Navratri!! Nariyal Chakki/Ladoo

You can make this on any occasion! Or just for sweet snack!

Here are the ingredients followed by the process script:

Fresh scraped coconut 500 gm
Sugar 400 gm
Milk(2%) 200-250 ml (I added only 200 ml, but you may add more if you feel less)
Ground Cardamon

Procedure: In a large pot, add scraped coconut and sugar. Mix well and let it rest for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, Place the pot into flame. Mix well. And stir in until the moisture is out. After 5 mins, add milk. Then, cook it in medium to high flame for 15-20 mins. Stir occasionally(do not cover in between). If you cannot handle high heat, do it in slow flame(it would take 5-7 longer).

After some point to time, when you are almost done, add the ground cardamom. Mix well. Check by adding a small amount of the mixture into a plate and rolling it by your hands. If it is forming a ball, we are done!

After having done with the desired conclusion from the above check, place it in a plate( preferably something square). Let it rest and cool down to bring to normal temperature. Cut it in your favorite shape.

Remove from the plate when it is dry and completely cooled down.

I hope you will enjoy this simple recipe. Hit like if you find it amazing.

Thank you. Do try out and let me know in the comments section below.

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