New Blate Papes 'At-Cost'

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You ready for something new and very cool?

A customer told me about these new Blate Papes, and how they were extremely liberating for her, and made her life so much easier.

They are very thin film sheets, only 10 microns thick, that are Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, and made from only one ingredient, potato starch. They come in either pre-made funnel shaped cone pouches, or just square sheets, and are used to make a swallowable pouch for all of your powdered supplements. For example, in the morning, I break out a Blate Pape, I add 1/3 teaspoon of my Postbiotics, 1/3 teaspoon of my B12 Probiotics, 1/4 teaspoon of my Probiotics, and 1/8 teaspoon of my Marine Phytoplankton to it. I then wet my finger to seal it up, to turn it into a swallowable pouch that can be folded and molded small.

Before you take it, you either dunk it in water and swallow it down, or you put it in your drinking water, let it float at the top, and drink it down. Once it is wet, the water softens it and it becomes very slippery and malleable to where it is super simple to swallow, and it just goes right down your throat. I know this may sound confusing, so I did a video on how to use them further below.

These Blate Papes are perfect for unpleasant tasting powders, such as herbs and papaya seed powder. Whats really cool is that you can mix a bunch of different powders together into one Blate Pape. Sometimes we dont want to add these powders to water, juice, or a smoothie, because they can ruin the entire taste of it. Additionally, all different powders need to be treated differently. For example, some powders clump in water, others dont stir well, and some just taste really bad. The Blate Papes make it easy, because you can add whatever kind of powders you want to it.

Even though the powders were sometimes a pain before the discovery of these Blate Papes, they are much more economical compared to getting supplements in a capsule or tablet form. Furthermore, most of the capsule and tablet supplements out there, use nasty fillers and flow agents in order to help process and compress them. Im sure that many of you have tried capsule makers in the past. Those are a pain in the tush to use lol.

You can say goodbye to swallowing down multiple hard capsules. Furthermore, the dissolve speed on the Blate Papes is only 1 minute, whereas capsules take 6 minutes to dissolve. You can even make a bunch at once and store them in an air tight Mason Jar.

Today, they are on special At-Cost, but first here is the video that I created to show you how to use the Blate Papes. In this video below, I show you both kinds of Blate Papes, but I only share how to use the Pre-made cones. In the description of all these products within the store, I share a second video from the company, which shows how to use both.

The owner told me that the 120 count pre-made Funnel Shaped Cones are the most popular. However, the customer that introduced them to me just gets the 200 count square flat sheets. She said that you can just fold it diagonally and seal it with a wet finger if you want to make a funnel shaped cone. Otherwise, you can just put the powders in the middle of the flat Blate Pape square, and wrap it up like a burrito. She said that she also gets two uses out of one of the square sheets.

Therefore, from an economical standpoint, the flat square sheets are better, because you get 200 sheets compared to 120 cones, they are a bit less expensive than the cones, and you may even be able to get two uses out of each sheet. However, the cones are pre-made and are more convenient for some. Both the pre-made cone pouches, and the flat sheets come in a hard case. However, you can also purchase a 200 count refills of the flat square Blate Papes without the hard case for even a lower cost. Since they are all At-Cost at such a good price, you may want to get all three to try out, since we have a discounted Variety-3-Pack.
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