Open Vegetable and Corn Burger by Tarla Dalal

Open Vegetable and Corn Burger, colourful veggies and juicy sweet corn kernels bound together by a creamy white sauce, are loaded onto a fresh and soft burger bun, topped generously with cheese, and grilled.
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Open Vegetable and Corn Burger

Colourful veggies and juicy sweet corn kernels bound together by a creamy white sauce, are loaded onto a fresh and soft burger bun, topped generously with cheese, and grilled till the cheese melts and coats the whole creation. Really, the vegetable and corn hot dog roll has everything that children love and need -- the very best of taste and nutrition for a cheerful day.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes.
Cooking Time: 2 minutes.
Baking Temperature: 180°C (360°F).
Baking Time: 22 minutes.
Makes 4 open burgers.

2 burger buns
Butter for brushing and greasing

For the topping
1 cup chopped and boiled mixed vegetables (French beans, carrots and green peas)
1 tbsp butter
½ cup boiled sweet corn kernels (makai ke dane)
½ tsp finely chopped green chillies
1 cup white sauce
Salt and freshly ground black pepper (kalimirch) to taste
4 tbsp grated cooking cheese

For the garnish
Tomato ketchup

For the topping
1. Heat the butter in a broad non-stick pan, add the mixed vegetables and sauté on a medium flame for 1 minute.
2. Add the sweet corn and green chillies, mix well and cook on a medium flame for a few seconds.
3. Add the white sauce, salt and pepper, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 1 minute, while stirring occasionally. Keep aside.
4. Divide the topping into 4 equal portions and keep aside.

How to proceed
1. Cut each burger bun horizontally in 2 halves. Apply a little butter on each bread halve and bake them in a pre-heated oven at 180°C (360°F) for 10 minutes or till the bread halves are crisp.
2. Spread a portion of the topping evenly on each bread halve, sprinkle 1 tbsp of cheese evenly over it.
3. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C (360°F) for another 5 to 7 minutes or till the cheese melts.
Serve immediately garnished with tomato ketchup.

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