Palak Kadhi (Besan Gram Flour Curry with Spinach and Yogurt) Recipe by Manjula | Manjula's Kitchen

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Learn how to make Palak Kadhi (Besan Gram Flour Curry with Spinach and Yogurt) Recipe by Manjula

2 Tbsp besan gram flour
½ cup yogurt curd or dahi
1 cup spinach leaves finely chopped, palak
2 Tbsp oil
1 whole red chilies sabut lal mirch
½ tsp cumin seeds jeera
¼ tsp fenugreek seeds mathi dana
⅛ tsp asafetida hing
¼ tsp turmeric haldi
¼ tsp red chili powder lal mirch
½ tsp salt namak

Typography - Typito (
Cuisine - Indian
Course - Side Dish
Dish - Side Dish
Prep Time - 5 mins
Cook Time - 30 mins
Total Time - 35 mins
Servings - 2 people
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