Pizzoccheri Recipe - Cheesy Italian Buckwheat Pasta Chef Tips

Today I'm making one of Northern Italy's favorite winter comfort foods a Pizzoccheri recipe made from homemade buckwheat pasta, potatoes, cabbage, bitto/fontina/gruyere cheese, and lots of butter! Thanks to our friends Lele Leo (who is from Milan) and Deshawn Dickinson for introducing us to this delicious cheesy Italian pasta recipe! It is one of many unique dishes found in Lombardy and Valtellina, a mountainous region in the Italian Alps.

1. Make Pizzochheri Buckwheat Pasta:

Pizzochheri Pasta Recipe:
2 1/4 cups buckwheat flour
3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup water

Mix together the flours and water, and add a little more water to make a smooth pasta. Transfer to floured work surface and knead until firm. Set aside in a ball, covered in plastic wrap, for about 30 minutes at room temperature.

Lightly flour work surface and and cut pasta ball in half, roll into 1/8-inch thick. Cut into 2 1/2 inch strips. Dust with flour and stack up. Cut into 1/4-inch strips.

To Make the Pizzochheri Recipe:
1 head of green cabbage or Swiss Chard, cut in half, cored, and sliced into bit-sized pieces
2-3 cups potatoes, peeled and diced
10-16 oz. Bitto, casera, fontina or gruyere cheese (grated)
1 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, grated

Garlic Butter Drizzle:
8 oz. butter
1 teaspoon garlic shallot puree or 1 clove garlic

1. Preheat a large casserole dish at 300 F.

2. Boil the potatoes, cabbage and pasta:

3. Bring a large stockpot of water to a boil. Add a couple pinches of salt, potatoes, cabbage. Bring to rapid boil for about 5 minutes. Add the pasta ribbons. While veg are boilings.

4. Add butter to a sauce pan on medium low. Melt down. Add the garlic and stir until browned, but not burned. Set aside.

5. To make the pizzoccheri gratin, layer the vegetables and cheese in two layers, followed by your desired amount of garlic butter on top. Add fresh cracked pepper. Layer into bowls and enjoy!!!!

Note: There is no need to buy pizzoccheri noodles here in the United States. You can make it very easily! The correct pizzochheri pronunciation is "Pitz-OCK--ERRI."
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