Weight Lose with Dalia | porridge pulao| दलिया पुलाव #Dalia #porridgePulao========================================= Dalia pulao is one of the simplest, healthy and delicious one pot meal. Dalia (wheat porridge) is prepared using cracked wheat / barley. This low in fat and cholesterol, high in iron , vitamins and fibers. Moreover, fiber in your food cannot be converted to sugar, and therefore eating Dalia for weight loss makes a lot of sense. The cracked wheat takes significantly less time to cook, is soft but chewy, and has a delicious nutty taste. Ingredients************200 gm daliya(porridge)(दलिया)1 chopped tomato(medium)(टमाटर)½ cup peas(मटर)1 chopped capsicum (शिमला मिर्च)10 beans(chopped)(बिन्स)2 carrot(chopped)(गाजर)1 spoon grinded Ginger(अदरक)2 chopped onion(medium)(प्याज)1 green chili(हरी मिर्च)1/2 spoon lemon juice(नीबू का रस)Fresh coriander leaves(धनिया का पत्ता)½ spoon red chili powder(लाल मिर्च पाउडर)1 ½ spoon salt(नमक)1 spoon jeera(जीरा)2 tablespoon cooking oil(तेल)Connect with us on:Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kartikKitchen/Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kartikskitchen/Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/kartikskitchenTwitter: https://twitter.com/kartikskitchenPlease like and subscribe to my channel for future recipe. Thanks